
Monday, March 18, 2019

Stephen Blackpool in Charles Dickens Hard Times :: Hard Times Essays

The entertain Hard Times is a book written by Charles two a man thatDickens depict as a man with great integrity, is introduced in thisbook his reach is Stephen Blackpool.Stephen Blackpool lives in the township of Coketown Dickens describes thistown In the innermost arms of that ugly citadel wherenature was as strongly bricked out as killing airs and gases werebricked in. I think most bulk would agree that this is not a niceplace to live in and it does not bring a nice town were the glissadingsun rays were vivid over either house, also the grass nourished andbright spurt as if it was just cut. No this is not the picture thatcomes to mind what this town looks like is a dark and damp place tolive in were nobody would love to live only tramps living on the paving and the air thick and poisons and pitch black as coal thiswas not a good place to live in not a place Dickens liked. Dickenshates the industrial revolution as it created a bad habitat also hisfather used to work in a factory which he died because of toxic fumesso you corporation read that Dickens does not like this town. StephenBlackpool is not a upstart man he is about in his forties and gray hair,he was not a clever mortal they would not call him alacrity he even hadproblems with speaking. Dickens starts of describing Stephen Blackpoolby saying It is said that every aliveness has its roses and thorns thereseemed however to have been a adventure or mistake in Stephens casewhereby somebody else has been possessed of his roses, and he hadbecome possessed of the same somebody elses thorns in accessory tohis. This clearly states that Stephen Blackpool does not have goodluck on his military position he has twice as much thorns, thorns being themistakes in life and he has no roses, roses being the correct conclusivenesss in life. So what Dickens is saying what ever this man doesit will be the wrong decision to make. Stephen could not be describedas a clever person as he is not and intellige nt man he barley can makea speech but Dickens calls him a man of correct integrity, what I wantto do here is tell you the definition of integrity what integritymeans is truth or reality so is what Dickens is calling Stephen is heis a man with perfect truth or honesty in his heart .Stephen has a jock called Rachel she is what keeps him together

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