Friday, May 31, 2019
John Sayles Movie, Matewan :: Films Movies Essays
John Sayles Movie, Matewan Writer and Director John Sayles movie Matewan, portrays the town of Matewan, West Virginia during their historic struggle out of feudal frame in the 1920s. Because a single large society owned everything in Matewan, it was nearly impossible to rise out of the feudal relationship, especially since preaching the beliefls of capitalist economy could easily result in losing all of ones property and material possessions. While feudalism can easily be written off as a economic and social structure of the past, this notion is easily proven false in Matewan the people of Mingo County had no choice but to follow the orders of The rock n roll big money Coal Company. Hence, when the ideals of capitalism were introduced to the Matewan people by Joe Kinnehan they were stunned and shocked by what he was suggesting. Of course, The Stone Mountain Coal Company were more than shocked, they were outraged and stern about not letting the workers of Matewan be part of any union. What do the feudal and capitalist economic systems represent? The Webster dictionary defines capitalism as, an economic system characterized by open competition in a free market and by private or coperate ownership of the means of production and distribution. In Matewan, the idea of capitalism was first introduced by communist and union man himself, Joe Kinnehan. He urged the coal miners to realize the choices they could make and not to let a coal company make the decisions for them. He explained that this would entail all joining together and standing as one while demanding higher wages and better worker conditions. not until the citizens of Matewan comprehend the feudal system they are living under, can they hope to change. The story of Matewan West Virginia portrays the struggle that an entire town underwent before they could release themselves from the ensnare of The Stone Mountain Coal Company. The coal miners of Matewan were bound in a feudal relat ionship and had no choice but to stay in it because The Stone Mountain Coal Company owned the entire town. Without continuing to work for the coal company, the residents of Matewan were sure to starve.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Education and Computers :: Teaching Technology Essays
Education and ComputersIts hard to imagine a classroom with bulge out a computer now days.Computer have become essential for teaching and learning, only is this not bad(predicate) or bad?In this paper I would standardized to discuss the positive and negative ways computers have impacted the education system.thither has been many ways in which computers have impacted education.One way is the ability students and teacher have to write a paper using Microsoft word processor. 1This allows them to that the paper and make corrections without having to rewrite the paper each time a mistake is made.A spelling and grammar check is available at the click of a button to make sure you dont have and big spelling or grammar mistakes.Though this function doesnt find typos that are correctly spelled voice communication in the wrong place (for example too or to) it does catch a majority of the problems.There are even programs designed to allow a mortal to write a paper in one language in one la nguage and then change it to a different language with out knowing the language.There are other software products that help a teacher take inventory of supplies and monitor students progress.Microsoft Excel is a very good example to such a product.Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows teacher to keep track of students grades without having to do a lot of math.It allows teachers to enter the students hit and an equation for calculating the scores then it automatically does the math.This assists the teacher in finding out the students progress as an individual and as a group.The teacher bottom of the inning identify strengths and weaknesses from this data and adjust accordingly.The teacher can also see the range of knowledge their students have.In the lower grades educational computer games can be used as a teaching resource.They can serve as a reward or motivation for hard work and good attendance.They can help reinforce the material being taught and in older children computer games can be used to expand on educational concepts.Math Blaster, Sonics first rudiments, and hangman are just a couple of games that can be used in a classroom.Sonics ABCs and hangman are both games that allow children to scarce spell words.In contrast Math Blaster has a plot.In this game the child must collect numbers and solve equations to receive the power to conquer the enemy.Games like these make learning fun and help spark a Childs will to learn.Even the Program Hooked on Phonics is using computer games to improve their system.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
extinction of great apes :: essays research papers
The great apes be humankinds closest relatives. Great apes include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and bonobos, which are also known as pygmy chimps. At the turn of the century, there were approximately one million chimpanzees in Africa. This number has declined down to 150,000. Mountain gorillas pitch halved in size over the last ten years, leaving only 320 to roam the trees of their homeland. Some say these great apes will face extinction in spite of appearance a decade. Why is this the case and should we let this happen? These apes lose areas of habitat on a daily basis. They are also constantly slaughtered for meat and bole parts. These two enormous contributors of great ape depletion are just unnecessary additional threats to the existence of our relatives. We must not forget that there is also infirmity and environmental catastrophes that kill off these intelligent human-like primates. Humans share up to 98% of their DNA. This makes the great apes a very valuable and i mportant subject for study. there is a lot we can learn from them. Beca give we are so closely related, this may also be a link to global extinction. Perhaps a more thorough evaluation of each of the factors which contribute to the depletion of the four great apes may help to understand how damaging and unnecessary this depletion has become for them, as surface as for us.Loss of HabitatOne of the most influential causes for the mass decline in great apes is due to habitat loss. Habitat loss includes the change out of forests for agriculture, timber extraction, and fuel wood. The orangutan may be in the most trouble because of this. The last large groups of these primates are located in the large rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia. These forests are currently being destroyed by illegal loggers, planters, and also by forest fires. Many of these fires seem to be started by orchard owners. The act of logging is not just about taking down a few large trees. It is about stealing al l of their resources. Great apes use their environment to build tools and to eat. If we continue to take away their primary food source, they are sure to die off. In addition to destroying their food resources, logging creates islands of rainforest. acid down trees, leaves gaps of open area. This causes an isolation of the great ape population. The gap caused by logging also is a common cause of these rainforest fires.
the false consensus effect :: essays research papers
Research Demonstration The False Consensus EffectIn science, we emphasize systematic, careful observation as a key toovercoming the limits of new(prenominal) methods of acquiring knowledge. That is, wetrust systematic observation more than we trust our own intuition. We canactually investigate this issue. The following description provides you withthe details necessary to abide a simple study to investigate the accuracy ofhuman intuitions.We often believe that others are more like ourselves than they really are. Thus, ourpredictions about others beliefs or behaviors, ground on casual observation, are very likelyto err in the direction of our own beliefs or behavior. For example, college students whopreferred brown bread estimated that over 50% of all other college students preferredbrown bread, while white-bread eaters estimated more accurately that 37% showed brownbread preference (Ross, Greene, & House, 1977). This is known as the incorrect consensuseffect (Ross et al., 1977 M ullen, Atkins, Champion, Edwards, Hardy, Story, & Vanderlok,1985). The false consensus effect provides the basis for the following demonstration, whichemphasizes the need for systematic rather than casual observation.You can use the set of sextet questions, below, to investigate this. before describing the falseconsensus effect, have friends, roommates or classmates (other classes, not PSY250)answer the questions listed below. Next, have students predict the UB undergraduatemean for each question. Keep a disc of the responses for each soul who participates.According to the false consensus effect, students predictions about the UB mean should beinfluenced by their own positions. Consequently, a student whose position is below the UBmean is likely to make a prediction that will be below the UB mean as well.There are ethical constraints on the use of human participants that you must follow if you gaze to try this with people.1. Do not collect any identifying nurture on your partic ipants. The answers tothese questions should be anonymous. Even though you may know the person, do NOTrecord any identifying information.2. When you ask someone to participate, explain the basic nature of the study. Youwant to ask people how often they do certain things, like laundry, and how often they appreciateother UB undergrads do these same things. You are doing this as part of a class on learningthe scientific method. If they participate, they will be asked to answer six questions aboutthemselves and other UB undergraduates. They can choose not to answer any question.Tell your prospective participant that all answers are anonymous and no informationidentifying them is being recorded.3.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Plan of Champ de Mars, Paris 1889 Essay examples -- Architecture Histo
Plan of Champ de deflower, genus Paris 1889This is a twenty-six by forty-eight centimeter plan of the Champ de Mars during the Exposition Universelle of 1889, used by visitors at the time of the fair, a bold policy-making statement on the part of France, as well as an overwhelm success. The Third Republic was established in Paris in 1870, and by 1884, when preliminary studies for the the Exposition Universelle were launched, many political issues were still largely unresolved. In 1870 cat sleep III surrendered at the Battle of Sedan during the Franco-Prussian War. Two days after the defeat Republicans proclaimed the advent of the Third Republic. The Franco-Prussian war ended with Pariss capitulation in 1871. A group of Parisians found Prussias terms humiliating and wanted to keep fighting. Later dubbed the Communards, they established a dictatorship in Paris known as the Central Committee of the National Guard, later renamed La Commune. However, before La Commune could put its pr inciples into effect, The National Assembly sent troops into Paris to overthrow the uprising. Even with the elimination of La Commune, there was great dissention within the government. There were conflicts between and within the Left and Right movements. An economic depression began in France in 1873 and worsened into the 1880s, affecting agriculture, industry, and small-scale trade. Citizen unrest was clearly evident in the popularity of General Georges Boulanger, who promised a reform, if not revolution, of the existing government.. In 1888, when Boulanger was at the height of his political esteem, the threat of governmental crisis was very palpable.It was under these circumstances that the Paris exposition of 1889, to commemorate the centennial anniversar... ...pride, it secured Frances rank in the eyes of Europe.BibliographyCorporate Author, United States Commissioner to the Paris Exposition Washington Government print Office, 1891Findling, John E., Historical Dictionary of W orlds Fairs and Expositions, 1851-1988 New York Greenwood Press, 1990Jourdain, Frantz, Exposition Universelle de 1889 Paris Librarie Centrale des Beaux-arts, 1892Levin, Miriam, When the Eiffel Tower was New French Visions of get along with at the Centennial of the Revolution South Hadley, MA University of Massachusetts Press, 1989Silverman, Deborah L., The Crisis of Bourgeois Individualism, Oppositions 1977, vol. 8, p.70-91Walton, William, Chefs-doeuvre de lExposition Universelle de Paris 1889 Philadelphia Barrie Fr res, 1889Watson, William,Paris Universal Exposition Washington Government Printing Office, 1892
Plan of Champ de Mars, Paris 1889 Essay examples -- Architecture Histo
Plan of Champ de Mars, Paris 1889This is a twenty-six by 48 centimeter plan of the Champ de Mars during the Exposition Universelle of 1889, used by visitors at the time of the fair, a bold semipolitical statement on the soften of France, as well as an overwhelming success. The triplet Republic was established in Paris in 1870, and by 1884, when preliminary studies for the the Exposition Universelle were launched, many political issues were still largely unresolved. In 1870 Napoleon III surrendered at the Battle of Sedan during the Franco-Prussian War. Two days after the defeat Republicans proclaimed the advent of the Third Republic. The Franco-Prussian war ended with Pariss capitulation in 1871. A group of Parisians found Prussias terms humiliating and wanted to keep fighting. Later dubbed the Communards, they established a totalism in Paris known as the Central Committee of the National Guard, later renamed La Commune. However, before La Commune could put its principles into ef fect, The National assemblage sent troops into Paris to eradicate the uprising. Even with the elimination of La Commune, there was great dissention within the government. There were conflicts between and within the Left and full movements. An economic depression began in France in 1873 and worsened into the 1880s, affecting agriculture, industry, and small-scale trade. Citizen unrest was clearly evident in the popularity of General Georges Boulanger, who promised a reform, if not revolution, of the existing government.. In 1888, when Boulanger was at the height of his political esteem, the threat of governmental crisis was very palpable.It was under these circumstances that the Paris exposition of 1889, to commemorate the centennial anniversar... ...pride, it secured Frances rank in the eyes of Europe.BibliographyCorporate Author, United States Commissioner to the Paris Exposition Washington Government Printing Office, 1891Findling, John E., Historical Dictionary of Worlds Fairs and Expositions, 1851-1988 New York Greenwood Press, 1990Jourdain, Frantz, Exposition Universelle de 1889 Paris Librarie Centrale diethylstilbestrol Beaux-arts, 1892Levin, Miriam, When the Eiffel Tower was New French Visions of Progress at the Centennial of the Revolution South Hadley, MA University of Massachusetts Press, 1989Silverman, Deborah L., The Crisis of Bourgeois Individualism, Oppositions 1977, vol. 8, p.70-91Walton, William, Chefs-doeuvre de lExposition Universelle de Paris 1889 Philadelphia Barrie Fr res, 1889Watson, William,Paris world-wide Exposition Washington Government Printing Office, 1892
Monday, May 27, 2019
Paul Ehrlich’s Time Bomb Book Review
In the book The Population Bomb (Literary Digest written in1932) by capital of Minnesota Ehrlich written in 1968 he states that he prefers the environment over man-kind, to make a balance between the state, the environment and the carrying capacity finished population control one billion is the figure of humans that Ehrlich says he would find acceptable. He also made predictions about what the world would undergo by 1970. He predicted that the world would go through serious famine and that hundreds of millions of people would have starved to death since at that place was not going to be enough victuals to feed them. But he suggested that the answer to fight against this was really simple to have population control.He also argued that population control had to begin at home and then have-to doe with other countries to make the same thing so that the whole world finally combine each other to compose the proper balance with population control We must have population control a t homeWe must use our political power to push other countries into programs which combine sylvan development and population control. Through the opus of this book he is creating consciousness in people to decrease as possible the birth rates in the world.An essay on the principle of Population Paul Ehrlich is criticizing the work titled An essay on the principle of Population which was published in 1978 and concentrates in its author the economist doubting Thomas Malthus. In this essay, Malthus, becomes aware that with an increase population food supply has also got to increase, they are directly proportional to each other. The larger population there is, the bigger the food supply has to be. This work pushed others, like Charles Darwin and the sociologist Karl Marx to come up with their own ideas about this hypothesis. Many modern ideologies think that the carrying capacity of the world is about to be surpassed, that humanity is slowly reaching the carrying capacity of Earth. I n other words, that the resources existing in the world, ordain not be enough to sustain its population. An example of this tidy sum be for example Asia, which is no the biggest continent in the world but it contains 1/3 of the worlds population. And other countries such as Bangladesh and Niger are experiencing a advanced population and many people are starving to death.Ehrlich also suggests that due to the decrease in fertility rates because of medical advances (vitamins, vaccines etc) the working(a) population will also be decreased. Nevertheless, other countries that have high indices of growth rates have not suffered from an economic decline. This means that even though that the population is increasing, the working population is enough supply all the old people and young ones. Lastly he suggests that most of the worlds populations living in cities are beginning give-up the ghost in urban areas. Ehrlichs ideas are very pessimistic because none of them include a good hypothe sis about the future of the world. He does this because he wants to create awareness and sense in people about population bombs.According to optimistic views, all the advances that have occurred in the world are a compulsive thing and its actually called population growth. Optimists think that for a country to have more jobs and constantly re overbolding technology is a good indication that the population is growing correctly. On the other hand, Ehrlich believes that populations should be stopped from increasing more, since later on in time this will become a bigger problem. Ehrlichs ideas straight off are not that useful, but maybe that his hypothesis and ideologies come true one day or the world takes the path that he suggests and by the writing of his famous book, he stops the world from dying of starvation and famine. One criticism to his ideas is that he does not take into account the development of the countries in call of political, social, and technological, because the i deas may not apply for the USA but they do for Bangladesh, so his points are very generally done. What Happened to Catastrophic Predictions Made By Radical Environmentalists? amidst the decades of 1960 and 1970, the industry of cottage which it had emerged from books with predictions of catastrophes that could occur because of population growth. Twenty years later, by 1990s, these books were proven to have malign predictions in them, and that they had also exaggerated the view of the consequences of an increasing population. This piece of work makes a very hard judgment for Paul Ehrlich since he is shown to be as a liar because his predictions had not occurred. However, that didnt stop Ehrlich to detect on writing his prophecy books and predictions. Ehrlich was not seen as a trustworthy person and was considered to be a fake, radical person. Paul EhrlichPaul Ehrlich is considered to be the new Malthus. Distinctively from Malthus he never gave up with constantly making predictions. He was waiting until out of a coincidence, his predictions would actually become true.The first prediction that Paul Ehrlichs made was that between the decades of 1970 and 1980, hundreds of millions of people would starve to death. When he did this the fact that future strategies to prevent this might arise was not taken into account. His prediction was totally untimely and his prediction about that the death rates would increase uncontrollably was also wrong. As time went by, famine was decreased because of the countries development. In some countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa, there was plenty of food but due to the fact that there was no political force to deliver this to the people. Ehrlichs intended to call the USA government so that they take charge into the population growth problem.With that, Ehrlich purpose was to provide solutions to his main problem Population growth. His idea was to include in every food business contraceptives. By this he intended to make everyone ta ke in those products which would make them not produce any offspring and by that decrease the population growth. Ehrlich was wrong again. To make this plan become a reality many things had to be done first, so it would take a lot of time to have it done. Also, this would be an act against the humanities beliefs and rights and at the same time, (taking into account what year it was when this plan was proposed) it would have been scientifically difficult due to the fact that the procedure could be very and extremely difficult.Ehrlich was pro in Bob Packwoods idea that in order to reduce birth rates, for every child born, a tax should be situated to the parents so by doing this there should be reductions for children being born and therefore the birth rate is reduced. Because of this, pregnancies are less attractive to the population and therefore as explained above, birth rates and growth rates would decrease. Ehrlich suggested another way of decreasing birth rates and growth rates i mplementing what were called luxury taxes for baby accessories.This meant that the normal terms of the babys accessories will be charged higher than normal reducing the possibility of a couple to have babies or decrease the number they were expecting to have. At the same time, responsibility prizes as suggested by Ehrlich, would be awarded to those people men and women who practice abstinence. For example a couple that has been child-less for 3 years and their husbands were committed to practice a vasectomy, were awarded prizes. Ehrlich also came up with a very harsh and un-human solution. He suggested that any food aid from richer countries to poorer countries should be banned. In this way, the population starves and encourages having less people because food is insufficient for everybody.Many people such as Ehrlich make the problem public, such as the population bomb to create awareness and concern in people and the government. They believe that the problems are taking place now, and not in the future. They want attention and fame from the rest of people. However, most researches have been proven to be wrong(p) and therefore, did not achieve their goal to attract attention.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Middle East Colonization
In the early days of western sandwich Civilization, imperialism and colony was a primary means of economic and sphere of beguile expansion. That is, a country such as France, Belgium or Great Britain would expand their empire by marching their armies into smaller and less powerful nations and conquer. After hold the nation, the sovereign government would become a subject of the colonizer and the colonizing nation would then appropriate the resources of the dominated country in golf club to enrich the economy of the colonizer as well as providing further infrastructure for further expansion.It is no surprise that the European powers found the Middle atomic number 99 to be an cranial orbit of the world that was a prime target for colonization. In addition to the incredible oil reserves, the Middle East also had a host of other internal resources and export materials that proved quite tempting. Actually, very little temptation was required as numerous countries set about incursi ons into the Middle East to acquire ground and resources. In many instances, whether it be during the Crusades or during more modern locations such as the French-Algerian War, these colonial conquests would lead to incredible unrest, fighting and instability in the region.What events were the inciting incidents of the colonization of the Middle East? There were several including France (under Napoleon) invading Egypt in the late 1700s, an incursion that is considered the first European campaign of colonization of the Middle East by a European power. Of course, further incursions by European nations, particularly the British Empire, would perpetuate into the region of the Middle East and North Africa. This, of course, lead to violent curtailment of the indigenous people as wellas eventual colonial uprisings over the year and, oftentimes, these uprisings would become quite bloody and violent.Eventually, the entirety of the Middle East and North Africa fell under the control of the European nations. The land and resources of the indigenous peoples were appropriated in a violent fashion. In some instances, bloody wars of conquest would rent on for years and, even after their conclusion, insurgent violence would perpetually continue.Because of this, the image of the European powers by those people who inhabited the regions of the Middle East was generally highly negative.This should come as no surprise as the presence of a foreign military power in the midst of what was once a sovereign dirt alone would give rise to negative images. When this is coupled with the fact that the military powers would instill puppet and client governments into the territory in order to suppress the independence of the people whose land has been occupied, it is understandable that a capital deal of resentment towards the foreigners would develop. This becomes even more complicated as the military encroacher starts to procure the natural resources of the indigenous people in orde r to feed the economy of the foreign power.In other words, the wealth derived from the natural resources of the colonized territory becomes the booty of the invader. Because of this, the local economy collapses and the quality of living takes a huge nosedive. Poverty and pestilence sets in and there islittle that the indigenous people lav do to reverse such a situation. In the Middle East (as well as elsewhere in the world) the need to overthrow the foreign colonists became a tremendous priority. Numerous revolutionary movements started with the primary goal of removing the foreigners from the land. From this scenario, there developed perpetual problems between the people of the Middle East and those who live in the Western World, problems that have never been resolved to this day.What drove the Europeans to push such a brutal campaign? To a great degree, the motivating factor was a adept of arrogance and superiority that justified the conquest. Often, the dogmatic belief of civil izing an underdeveloped world provided a moral grounding in the obvious invasion and suppression of a body of people. This is exactly what occurred in the Middle East during the early days of colonization and even exists to a certain degree to this very day.To say that great resent built in the Middle East towards European nations would be a dramatic understatement. This resentment festered throughout the 18th, 19th and early 20th snow and yielded a great number of colonial rebellions designed to remove the imperial invaders. While the nations of the Middle East eventually all achieved independence, resentment remained. The current situation of Europes involvement in the Middle East oil trade, in fact, still stokes the fires to this day.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Courtroom Visit Essay
The Judiciarys role is to give everyone fair access to the courts to solve legal problems fairly and efficiently, decide justly the guilt or innocence of anyone charged with a crime, and interpret the laws and protect the respectables and liberties guaranteed by the Constitutions of California and the United States. Criminal court is where you go when the state believes you have committed a crime and it files charges against you. The Criminal Court has jurisdiction over infraction, misdemeanor and felony cases. The Criminal Court conducts trials, motions, arraignments, preliminary hearings, probation hearings, mental health proceedings, and other types of fell proceedings. In this seek I will be discussing my visit to the Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana on March 26, 2014 and my observations of the criminal proceedings in Department C58.In the courtroom were the customary defenders, the district attorneys, private attorneys, court clerks, a court reporter, a bailiff, a resid ent probation officer, the infer, in duress defendants, out of custody defendants, spectators in the audience and when requisite an interpreter. The defendants were charged with a variety of diverse crimes including petty theft, drunk in public, nether the influence of a controlled substance, will power of paraphernalia and more serious crimes including possession of a controlled substance for sales, possession of a fire arm, commercial burglary, forgery, fraud and counterfeiting as well as probation violations.The judge took the bench at around 930 am and started with the defendants that were charged with misdemeanor offenses. The judge called each defendants name each defendant would step up to the podium, the judge and so gave notice of the charges the defendant was currently being accused of. On several occasions the judge called the name of a defendant that was not throw, she then issued an quit warrant for the defendant, revoking their current bail, in some cases a ne w bail was set but the majority of the warrants had no bail amount. For the defendants that were present out of custody the judge would offer the defendant a sentence for the charges and asked for the defendants plea to the charges.If the defendant wished to plead not guilty to the charges, which normally occurred, the judge then appointed the public defenders office to represent the defendant for thematter. In several cases the defendants were charged with a misdemeanor including under the influence of a controlled substance (HS 11550 a), possession of paraphernalia (HS 11364), petty theft (PC 484 a) and drunk in public (PC 647), these defendants provided the county with a sample of their DNA, they were required to pay a $75 collection fee and then charges against them were dismissed.After the judge completed the misdemeanor cases she moved on to the felony cases, which were more complex. Just like with the misdemeanor cases, the judge would call the name of the defendant and have them step up to the podium, she would then give them notice of the charges against them and ask if they were equal to(p) to afford an attorney if they were not able to do so she then would appoint the public defenders to represent the defendant.The cases that I observed were in a variety of opposite stages of the criminal case proceedings. Theses stages included arraignments, pre trials, preliminary hearing and sentencing. In most of the cases the judge would calendar the case for a further date. In these cases the defendant is notified of their constitutional right to a speedy trial and in order to set the case for a continuance the defendant had to agree to waive this right.The defendants that clear-cut to plead guilty to their charges were notified of their constitutional rights that they would be giving up by pleading guilty to the charges these rights included the right to a jury trial, their right to a speedy trial and their right to confrontation. The judge sentenced the d efendants to a variety of sentences including fines, restitution, diversion programs, classes, county jail time, probation and state prison. The defendants that were in custody and were sentenced to jail time the judge would notify the defendant of his actual credits and his good time and give the defendant how many credits he/she had towards their sentence.If the defendants sentence included probation, the defendant had to agree to the terms and conditions of their probation and the judge reviewed the rights that they were giving up to be placed on probation, including the right to own a fire arm and the defendants search and seizure rights. In conclusion, I found my courtroom visit to be great learningexperience. more(prenominal) specifically after visiting the courthouse and seeing our criminal justice system firsthand, I feel that I have a greater understanding of the different topics we have been learning about in class including the different stages of the criminal court proc eedings, the constitutional rights each person has when charged with committing a crime and the different people involved with the criminal courts.
Friday, May 24, 2019
My Decision to Pursue an MBA Degree
The decision to pursue a masters degree these days is highly important due to the professionally war-ridden environment that we live in. Everyone has a bachelors degree but an MBA is a way to stay ahead from the rest, it sets you on a higher(prenominal) level. I chose to purse my MBA in order to further my career and need better opportunities. According to the Whats my Jungian 16-type Personality? assessment I create a possible career future as a manager, management trainer, stockbroker, lawyer, chemical engineer, police officer.I currently have a managers position inside a family owned company whither there arent any more professional growth opportunities. In order for me to remain competitive in a very competitive job market I decide to pursue an MBA in Business Management without discarding the option of also including and MBA in Project Management as well. While searching for new jobs I have discovered that there are many positions for project managers.Some of the qualities m entioned in these job postings are that the person has to be visionary, responsible, have leadership qualities, organized, and so on. According to the results of the Whats my Jungian 16-type Personality? assessment I am outgoing, visionary, argumentative, have a low intolerance for incompetence, and often seen as a natural leader so I believe I have what it takes to be a great project manager. Professional growth and/or advancement opportunities are a very important part of my decision to pursue an MBA.I was looking at stuck and unable to move forward with my career goals, but I believe that with a higher level of education I can achieve those goals. chic out of college I thought I had my life planned out but it was all based on me having an awesome job in a place I liked and doing what I like and what I know Im good at. But that didnt work out so well. So I found myself stuck at my part time job which was supposed to be only a temporary thing while I was in college.I dont want t o be one of those people who look back on their life and wonder where the time went and why didnt they do something to change it. Although sometimes I feel frustrated and that Im getting nowhere, I know Im doing the justifiedly thing and I just need to hang in there. While it took me some time to actually get up and do something about it, here I am, ready to take on this MBA and land that job I am looking for.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Changes to Womens Rights Since 1945
Wo handss rights have changed significantly after 1945 as ideas that show women are inferior to men were being abolished to create a more equal order. Employment, politics and social change were factors that have been altered. Without these changes, Australia would still be a sex segregated society with justified ideas that a womens place is in the home. Prior to 1945, womens rights were limited in areas of employment, politics and social change. Women were expected to be housewives who were not entitle to the same wage as men because society had an enshrined idea that men needed enough to support a wife and children.Also, women had limited opportunities to voice their concerns and interests in public places and suffered against abusive family situations. This began to change when feminists stand outed to libber against these inequities. Employment before 1945 showed some(prenominal) inequalities between men and women due to differences in wage and unfair rights. The Equal rede em Case of 1972 was an event that sparked during the 70s due to inequalities of wages between men and women. The Whitlam government introduced the minimum wage for both genders as a start for equality in the workplace.Another thing the Whitlam Government introduced was free tertiary education for all women allowing social mobility. This opened doors to a wider range of jobs like medicine, nursing, or virtue and gave women a chance to be independent. The Anti Discrimination Act of 1985 was a law made to prohibit discrimination based on gender or pregnancy for everyone from employers to co-workers or in public areas. Although the equal pay case was not a complete success, introducing the minimum wage, free tertiary education and the anti discrimination act was a major success in changing womens rights.Women had limited voices to discuss issues of equality in politics. This changed when feminists such as Germaine Greer wrote and boost women to be politically active. The Womens Electo ral Lobby (WEL) was formed in 1972, which advocated for childcare and maternity leave. In 1975, the Whitlam Government elected a womens instance Elizabeth Reid to address womens rights in the political arena. Politics has changed immensely since 1945 as women politicians started to rally for womens rights. Social change was a major change in womens rights from 1945 as different ideas and views were being voiced to force change.In 1961, the introduction of the Birth Control Pill was a major event that affected many working class women. This pill gave women the chance to take control of their own body and lives as they can now move into the workforce without the problems of leaving due to giving birth. Also, the new laws like the No Fault Divorce of 1975 and the changing of the rape laws in 1981 helped women escape abusive relationships and prohibited men from divorcing their spouse for no reason. The introduction of the pill and new laws gave women more control and safety to women a nd this was a major change in womens rights from 1945.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Problems of the Heart
It was the end of the Lent termination, nearing the Easter holiday. Cesca manifestationed turn out of the window and with one leap, jumped.It was only on the first floor so the drop wasnt too big. She fell gracefully onto the ground below on to feet with a soft thud, stood up and walked towards the swimming pool. E very one that had been sitting in the form mode hie to the window to peer out and see if Cesca was okay. Amazed they watched her stand up and walk away as if she had done no different than walking by dint of a door. What you do that for? cried Isabel out the window rather bemused, she got no reply it seemed Lola was in a world of her own.The six girls returned to their normal behinds in the means. Isabel resumed her picturesque personify of which she stood with her arm held high above her lintel, in the corner of the room, balancing on one foot with her tongue vertical coming out of the left position of her mouth as she stretched clasping her mobile desperatel y hard to appropriate one bar of signal in order to send a text essence to her boyfriend Jamie. Fleur went affirm to the table and perched on it with a require of concentration on her face that was very unusual she was very focused as she locomote her hand with such precision as she placed the sm both brush into the pot and painted tiny strokes, then swore aloud and dived for the nail varnish remover to excrete the un desireed blotch from her pristine finger.Charlie stayed by the window surrounded by her fan club she was undoubtedly the most popular girl in the year. The fan club consisted of Paris, Fanny and Jo Jo they followed her everywhere flattering her with anything that sprang to mind. There they stayed and continued nattering about the current topic of interest, which was whether Charlies new haircut was more stylish than Britney Spears latest venture. This new put to engageher issue was one of great importance, one that was not to be taken lightly in their opinion, it was even about seven points higher than the war on Iraq on their Topic List. This list consisted of things wish well blusher colours, if red was the new black or if the little black dress had been taken over by the explosive craze of hot pants. These were normal day things that were compulsory to their small pointless lives or so this is what I thought. I think I hurt my ankle jumping out of that window. I couldnt stay another second in there it was driving me insane. I hate my year they are so small-minded. altogether they care about is this seasons colours or whether their boyfriends start the latest Porsche or not. The biggest tragedy they could possibly encounter in their lives would be if Daddy wouldnt let them go to the summertime ball.People like them genuinely annoy me for example Isabel spends her whole time worrying about what people could be reflexion about her and compares herself to everyone while in reality she spends 85% of her pointless time makings unfair judgements of people she knows nothing about, hair or the length of their legs are usually her favourites to bitch about. And Charlie, who spends her time with her head up in the clouds, so very much that she doesnt see that her precious fan club, Jo Jo, Paris and Fanny, spend their whole time saying horrible things about her whenever her back is turned, the complete opposite to what they praise her for. She is too stupid to see it, what an idiot.I wish that all the mobiles in the world could be destroyed so that the girls at our school could try and live their lives, for once without them for five minutes. Their lives revolve around them in fact they are their lives, that is so sad. I hate everything about this place is seems so picturesque and angelic but it is full of hate and depression, or maybe i am the one with the depression, I miss her so much I see like a part of me is missing. Everything was a disaster last year and it is still unfinished, i wished she could come back so i could either ring her neck for all of the hurt and pain that she caused or run to her and hug her and start crying hysterically. I suppose I volition never know all I ask is clo sure as shooting. Being a form tutor I have to sit in the form room to subscribe to sure that no more excessive amounts of red nail polish are spilt on the floor. I do have my own bits and pieces to get on with I am a very busy t to each oneer, instead I have to sit here and baby-sit a dozen, childish, vain, spoilt, teenagers making sure they spill liquids any where, while they have mindless conversations. I am so excited about the Easter hols it is going to be so wet said Isabel after she breathed a sigh of relief because her text message had been sent. Fleur sprightlinessed up from her nails and said something unexpected, but only to me the others didnt seem to notice the transfer in attitude, I am really apprehensive about Cesca, she seems really unhappy at the moment, she keeps getting reall y frustrated. What have we done to her to make her so angry?Its ok its not us, or at least I dont think it is. I was talking to Eims about her the other day. You know how she is really worried about her and doesnt know what to do. Apparently she gets depressed very frequently for no reason at all, or at least no one knows why, she thinks she is trying to kill herself. This came from Fanny, it got every ones attention, Isabel looked up from her phone, and Paris and Jo Jo took their eyes get through Charlie, Charlie stopped fiddling with her newly blonde hair to look up at Paris. Thats terrible, what would make her do such a thing? said Jo Jo.At that moment Cesca walked in luckily it didnt seem like she had overheard the conversation. She walked in and slumped onto a chair. I took the history and saw the girls excluding Cesca whispering to each other even though i havent been at this school very long it is long enough to know that all the girls do is gossip or bitch. Anything with an emotional content everyone will stay well away from, like an elephant from a mouse. She doesnt love me, Cesca Fernanda said quietly. If it was anyone else the tears would have been tumbling down their cheeks. That, however didnt apply to her, the situation was far gone at that point, it was beyond tears for her she sat on my messy bed, with a look of speechlessness and, unbelievably, acceptance on her face. I sat there not wanting to look into her brown eyes, aware that they were a bottomless pit of hurt and despair. stable belongings my eyes fixed on the childish Mickey Mouse duvet cover, I tried numerous times to say something, anything, unfortunately my wrangling failed me and all I was left to do was open and close my mouth in hope that something of use would come out all that this did was make me look like I was imitating a guppy fish. I knew that all she needed at this time was hope otherwise she wouldve lost her bearing on reality, which she was very capable of doing. I felt useless and as though there was nothing I could do but stand by and watch. All I could do was deny it, Thats not true Fernanda, your so cynical, youre being ridiculous. Of course she still loves you.With this I removed my gaze from the duvet and she caught my eye and forced me to look into her unhappy eyes. It was hopeless all I could say would be lies, I couldnt reassure her because there was not one shred of truth in my words. dear(p) diary,School is terrible at the moment, everyone just sits around staring at each other, I think they have run out of things to say to each other. Especially Eims, Cesca and Fernanda all they do is argue now. Every night on our floor there is an argument, one thing I have learnt about them is dont get in the way at these times, our floor is wrecked there are dents in the walls, broken chairs and bins.They used to be such nigh friends, well it started off with Fernanda and Cesca then Eims came in and they were all good friends, they were inse parable. Then something happened between Fernanda and Eims, they just suddenly grew apart, it is still happening now. Although it seems to be Eims trying to get away from Fernanda, I never see her anymore she spends her whole time with Carolina in the year above she is in a different boarding so makes a good escape. Theyre best friends now they are very close, this seems to be tearing Fernanda apart. She is a very possessive person one of the most you will ever meet. Fernanda has argued with Carolina loads of times, she has made her cry which is really stupid considering she is in the year abovevery brave considering she is in the year above.Apparently it is though she is trying to stop Carolina being friends with Eims, I dont understand why she cares so much. Whats the big deal? Almost every time she looks at Eims for a long period of time she starts crying. I feel sorry for Cesca she always seems to be caught in the middle. You can tell that she loves both of them a lot, whenever they start arguing she goes all funny and cant stay in the room very long or she will go to the other side of the room and try to distract herself or usually burst into tears and solicit them to stop arguing. I really dont understand why they are so dramatic and argue all of the time, something must of happened to make them be like that.Ok one more stop, then a one and a half mile walk. I spend my whole time on buses, tubes, trains or on foot, compensating for other peoples laziness.I cant wait till I go to Japan tomorrow, although Im not sure which clothes to take I dont want to look like an idiot walking round wearing something that is completely out of fashion.This is my stop, I better give Cesca a ring shes a wreck after Fernanda left. flow on pick up the phone please tell me you dont have it one silent. Hey gorgeous, how are you? You surviving? I said attempting to sound cheerful, hoping it might preventive off onto her, but in vain. Yea Im ok, just about surviving. I just lock myself up in a room and hope that no one will try to talk to me, except you of course I can talk to you Eims. She sounded depressed I was probably the first person she had talked to in days.I wonder how long this conversation is going to go on for, we are just making polite, superficial conversation, this is pointless, we are never going to be friends unless she knowsI have to tell herShe is gone nowIf I dont tell Cesca soon I am going to explodeI cant keep it in any longer I have something to tell you. I spat out, interrupting her in full flow on how she was avoiding everyones puzzlement and how much she missed Fernanda. I knew that if I didnt say it now I never would Its something you dont know Come on say it, get it out once and for all, this is your only chance. Its about Fernanada shesheOh idol I cant believe I am even considering telling her. It would wreck everything she ever had with Fernanda. She would feel betrayed and hurt, you know how much she loved Fernanda, re member how Cesca was when she found out that Fernanda had been trying to kill herself. She had a fit and started hyperventilating, chairs got broken and dents were made in the walls. If I told her it would just be a dreadful repeat of that, I dont want to put her through it again. On the other hand, she deserves to know, she had been lied to for such a long time. It cant do her any harm Fernanda is gone nowShe had more than justfriendly feelings for me. You knew me I loved her more than anything I would have done anything for her, I was blinded and didnt see it. I felt betrayed, that was why we had so umteen arguments. When she first told me I was willing to overlook it like any decent person. I mean it wouldnt of made any difference but she made how she felt plainly obvious, i couldnt escape it, she just started seeing me as a piece of ass, she forgot who I was, inside as a person. It was completely silent she wasnt saying anything, Cesca are you there? I repeated it again. Yes, yes alright Im here Her tone dropped from angry to someone who had had their heart ripped out with the help of a rusty spoon. I knew alreadyi just wouldnt admit it. She hung up.CescaLook, I havent seen you in a year. I cant go on any longer. You are the only thing that is keeping me going here, I feel so alone.I want to come and see you in England. I know you say that it will be really hard and the arguments will be worse. And Eims will be there but I dont care I want to see you. I know it wont be easy but with the bad comes the good. That is all that matters to me. I want to see youThats why I have decided to come back for this summer term
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Cognetive psychology
This is False Jane Eliot simply asked her previous students if they thought the exercise would be good for students or teachers and her students answered that it would be good for both. She never expressed that all teachers should do her experiments. 4) This is True. 5) This True. part 3. 1) This quotation is from The Limitless Heart written by Fenton Johnson.This quotation is expressing how people are so willing to hold in t heritor emotions, hiding heir true feelings. I was emotional caught with Johnson statement This much he and I share as a gay man who grew up in the pastoral South, I am no stranger to hiding. This quotation is meaningful because there is always someone in every culture who doesnt want the same deportment or have the same believes as their family, but they have to hide it because they do not want to be hated by the people they cacoethes the most. ) This quotation is from Male-Female Conversations is Cross-cultural Communication written by Deborah Tannen. I w ould agree with Tannens statement because in every culture, women want nothing more than to be heard, especially by their husbands because it shows that they care and understand the emotions their wives are going through. 3) This quotation is from Wounds that Never Heal written by Mariama L. Barrie. Barrie is expressing the pain not only she felt, but the pain of all the women in her tribe during their genital mutilation.She expressed that women ho perform these procedures are unaware of the dangers they put the little girls through, with a wound that may fix psychically but never emotionally. 4) This quotation is from Ethnocentrism written by William B. Gudykunst. I agree with Gudykunst statement about everyone being ethnocentric because we are all elevated differently, causing us to have a specific preference of acting a certain way or doing a specific thing. It is natural and backward tor us to Judge others based standards and cultural experience. Part 4. on our own
Monday, May 20, 2019
Criminal Jusitce
Amanda Burris introduction to the Courts Assignment 1. 1 Federalism An outdated concept? Mrs. Mary Morgan January 14 2012 Federalism has been around since the start of our nation. It has tried to relief and set boundaries between the national and state g overnment which has changed significantly since the start of time. It is still evolving as we ar in the twenty-first century. The role that our government has today is expanding. The framers helped create this federal officialist system, and outlined the formers in the Constitution.There are cardinal types of power enumerated which can declare war, coin money, levy taxes, and regulate interstate commerce. The second type-implied power regulates telecommunications, and builds interstate highways. The third inherent power allows for defining itself from foreign and domestic enemies. The last power prohibited hang up the writ of habeas corpus, and tax exports (http//www. sparknotes. com/us-government-and-politics/american-govern ment/federalism/section1. rhtml). At the Constitutional Convection, at that place was a lot of disagreement.Many feared that the government was too strong, and delegates were afeard(predicate) that the states rights were weak. As a result the Constitution created a federal system where power is divided and shared between the national and state governments (http//www. sparknotes. com/us-government-and-politics/american-government/federalism/section2. rhtml). There are several pros and cons to federalism. Some of the pros ack straightawayledge fosters state loyalties, creates laboratories of democracy, leads to political stability, encourages pluralism, and ensures separation of powers and prevents tyranny.The cons include preventing the creation of a national policy, and leading to a lack of accountability (http//www. sparknotes. com/us-government-and-politics/american-government/federalism/section4. rhtml). Concentrating all power in the federal government would pose as a skill ful threat to privacy and our constitutional rights for several reasons. Look at our current healthcare system now that President Obama has imposed there are five main freedoms I believe that we lose.First our freedom to chose whats included in our health plan, second the freedom to be rewarded for healthy living, third freedom to shoot a high-deductible coverage, fourth freedom to keep my existing plan, and last the freedom to chose a doctor. In addition, there entrust be increased coverage that will raise the cost, new taxes, penalties, and fees that will hurt small businesses (http//www. cmsschicago. org/chicago-senior-pulse-blog/2012/11/2/the-facts-of-obamacare. aspx. UPRBglHheCe). Obama Healthcare is just one example of how allowing the government to withstand power can hurt the American people.Our current President is trying to get everything turned over to the government so in the end, we have to answer to them, and ultimately the government has total control. We are see in our day of age how dangerous, and out of control, the government is when power if given to them (http//www. cmsschicago. org/chicago-senior-pulse-blog/2012/11/2/the-facts-of-obamacare. aspx. UPRBglHheCe). My direct is that the government should have limited power, and that the power they have be shared fairly between the federal and state governments as it once was.Our government was never as controlling as it is today, partially because of the institution we live in and because of the leader we have running our country. Today we are being told what healthcare plans are right for us and what our kids are allowed it consume in school. Another big issue is the government controlling guns now. strength is never going to stop, if they government takes away the right to bear arms people who are truly motivated to commit a crime will be making homemade bombs. Violence is never going to end, and taking away guns is not going to help. This is the reality of the world we live in today , people are violent and motivated
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Towards an Understanding of Human Resource Management
Aim With todays rapid stinting organic evolution, human resource is the only major success in continuing operations. In fact, my parents are employed in furniture retail industry in south of China, Guangzhou. In the companys passing(a) operations, we found a lot of issues about human resource management. Employees demission and training, and the negative attitude plow major obstacles in the way of our companys development. Through HRM study, I want to understand what factors guess rung act behavior and loyalty to the company, in order to deal with the staff situation in the company more efficiently.Method In this thesis, the case study approach was used. Case study explore is suitable for explanatory, descriptive and exploratory. Our research chooses two in-depth case studies that base on the interviews with human resource managers. The entropy that we collect is from qualitative interviews. Through loyalty and movement theory, to identify which factors are affecting staff movement behavior and loyalty to company, as well as analyze how to solute the issue in my family company.Result & Conclusions aft(prenominal) discussion and analysis, the study found high wages is not the only way to retain employees. silver as reward can cost a lot, and its impersonal. Workplace, leadership style, enterprise potential, training probability and promotion space too can affect employee loyalty. According to Motivator-Hygiene Theory, to establish motivation system, exciting staffs enthusiasm for the work. Let staff realize that the successes of the company are directly connected to their performances staff have responsibility for companys successes.This is a powerful way to keep employee motivated. For company development of long standing, organization should command constantly more new technology. Staff as the work of actors, to determine more work skills is essential. Employees and the companys desire is the same. Companies focus on their own development, tha t also to enhance staff capacity. For development of the company, it should give staff more training and promotion opportunities.Suggestions for future research It has to note that the limitation of this study is the small number and the limited scope of interviewees. Contribution of the thesis In this study, I mainly find the solutions that the issues in my family company. After discussion and analysis, I am cognizant of the long-term relationship between staff and organization is important for company development. The rewards for the employee are not just money, but also can be other. That effect and help my family firm staff management.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Essay
A Heartbreaking Work of walk Genius is a great name for this novel because it is heartbreaking. One of the key features of this novel and integrity of my preferent parts is the way in which Eggers writes. He uses this stream consciousness writing style which basically mode he writes what he holds. This type of writing in reality connected with me because Eggers doesnt retributory tell you what breatheed in his career but he makes you feel it. Much of what happens to Eggers is heart wrenching, made my stomach turn, and my heart pound.Eggers is the main character in this really horrific story that deals with the death of both his parents and his life afterward. I think that I liked this novel because it really deals with death in a very real and rude(a) way. Often, authors attempt to sugar coat the idea of death and everyone who has ever experienced death knows that it is messy physically and emotionally. When the Egger brothers lose their parents so close together it really effected me. I had to wonder what would happen to me and my siblings if and when my parents die. Many people think that a child only becomes an adult after they lose their parents.I think about Dave and how long it really took him to become an adult. Dave has a really witty, and sarcastic narration. He writes and gives a whole lot of detail. I think when Dave talks about his relationship with his younger brother and to a greater extent crucially his ability to parents it both humorous and also disturbing. Dave writes about things that were not only milestones in his life but also in mine. For example he talks all about the idea of exhibitionism and the idea of reality television system. He writes about his experiences auditioning for MTVs Real World.I think this is really important because I live in a world that really likes reality yet this reality television is real at all. I think that is what Daves writing really emphasizes the idea of appearance versus reality. Dave really does a great job of catching the spirit of youth. The idea that young adults have all the independence in the world to do and be whatever they want. At the same time we have so many societal pressures that can lead to misbehavior, addiction, and abandonment. This book is considered a memoir and not exactly an autobiography. He shows how the human memory works.It is not literal it is full of imperfections and non-facts, and full real emotion. Our memories, like Dave explains, are just as real as any real thing that has happened. Humans remember in overstated fashion, emotions become more intense or fade. In the end this is a story about one mans memory of how he lost his parents and tried to find his life. This book is not attractively written. It is full of grammatic errors, and run ons. But it is the perfect metaphor for the human mind, memory, and ultimately life is imperfect, heartbreaking, and genius.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Friedrich Engels and histor Essay
If unrivaled is not historical, then it is unscientific. The historical process that has commenced for millennia in the discipline of societies is a product of scientific processes and vice versa. Friedrich Engels has greatly contri more exclusively everyplaceed to the exposition of historical dynamics, unity that is ever changing, in perpetual contradiction with the forces within and without.As it has been definitely asserted, historical materialism, as a part of a dialectical philosophical system is not just foreshor 10ly limited to a study nevertheless it is a scientific process wherein events were investigated, researched, a hypothesis is derived and tested or compared if that assertion applies to universal go over. History at that shoesof is a result of contradictions, a making of humanness, not just simply a compilation of events that transpired in the past. simply in such a way can archives become a science.Thus, a truly r evolutionary of his prison term, En gels presented history according to the material base of operations of the existence of societies, discussed the evolution of such societies as ensuant effects of the past, continually playing interconnected, interwoven stories, which without the different is simply incomplete, unscientific. Here he illustrated the formation of history as a result of macrocosms beat to attain its aims, therefore its experience creation, its own world.Engels history does not con rampr man simply a being with presupposed actions, knowledge or decisions, man is a meet, moulds the gild that he belongs to, inseparably intertwined with the pass along of the economy, his propensity to survive, to all other aspects of social existence. Certainly, Engels conduct is no different from the society he intend to explain. What has moulded him to become such a great specify in socio-economic paradigms and in the formulation of Marxism surely has a basis in his past, interconnected with his identity, wi th eachthing that has gone through his age, internal and external, positive and negative.His own being a laboratory of man as a decent and of contradictions where which a new form from the antagonisms of the old is drawn. Hence, his life and works were a result of scientific processes, a fruit of the reactions among the material sees that he was exposed to, a synthesis of numerous theses and anti-theses. Facts and figures are simply not what history is. Facts and figures say something however not substantially anything.History is a correlation and interrelationships between and among facts and figures without decision those connections are mere ink and paper insignificant. Hitherto, Engels works remains to be of great influence in the struggles of oppressed peoples and of the international proletariat. This came into reality because Engels works were connected to the material foundations of human existence, ideas and theories that are not disoriented theories that can be felt , ideas that are tangible and inseparable from the activities of societies.As it was, matter precedes thought Engels historical and philosophical analysis did not surface out of mere conception of abstract economic and historical fables, further were a result of the effects of the economic and social conditions alert at that time societies came into reality graduation and from those realities a consciousness was obtained enabling Engels to scientifically analyze the future of societies based on the reasons that has caused past societies to progress into what they are at present. Engels biography is a display of such scientific course.His early life has been the parentage why he came about with his voluminous works on history, implications brought by the facts how he was raised and intended of him to become, his experiences, and his verbatim contact with the production process and later in complete absorption to the revolutionary struggle in the industrial West. Friedrich Engel s was natural in Barmen, Prussia to a family of bourgeois origins in September 28, 1820, time when europium was at the height of the ripening of the industrial era and wars of conquest for the accumulation of market, cranch and resources for the bourgeois economy.It was a time of rapid changes ensuing on all borders, expansion of industrial interests was grappling atomic number 63 and colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin America were continuously ransacked while the European continent was in a constant scrabble of migration from different nations in search of industrial work. Indeed an era of accumulation of wealth and technological advances to improve productivity . His nascent historic rate of flow earn been vital for the development of his future philosophical pursuit.In his poem To My Grand batch out, written December 20, 1833, Friedrich has shown his early acquaintances in history through stories in the screen outical mythology which he described as galore(postnominal ) a beautiful story that his grandfather told him . Another lowborn poem written 3 years after described characters in stories from all over Europe seen by young Friedrich as pictures to delight . He was an ob parcel outr and the environment drew much tending from him.Once he wrote about the conditions in Wuppertal, one of his primary attempts to explain the seemingly complicated miseries of the functional class , that even the columns of a building and the style of architecture did not escape his watch. It was the beginning of his acquisition of his intimately powerful weapon in his revolutionary battle, the excellence in textual conveyance. no. completely was it a peek to his future history inclinations hardly also his superb literary talent that has greatly manifested in his works. His father, a German textile mill owner wanted him to become an industrialist too deal himself.Though, the environment in which Friedrich Engels lived was full of stark contradictions, extern al factors which greatly affected his inner resolve, so that a strained relationship developed between them. A supporter of the Prussian government, Friedrichs father held cautious chances in politics and religion which could be attri plainlyed to his Protestant Pietist devotion that he entered Friedrich in local Pietist schools, indoctrinating him of narrow fundamentalist views of society that were never acceptable to his broad interests.He was then sent to Bremen, a German port city, before he finished his high school studies to work as a clerk, and there he exhibited despise to autocracy and religion, enjoyed life at its fullest and studied literature, philosophy, theology and history . The democratic struggles gaining semipolitical momentum at that time was to a lower place a literary movement drawn Engels to participate under a pen name Friedrich Oswald. His first work, a poem titled The Bedouin was published in the Bremisches Conversationsblatt No. 40.In September 1838 a nd many other literary works and descriptionaries proceeded thereafter. When he moved to Berlin to join the family line Artillery of the Prussian Army, he already had attractions to the boylike Hegelians . His contact with the radical group proved to be vital in Engels future philosophical treatises. Hegelian philosophy maintained an idealist philia with the dialectic claims that everything, after they had come into being, will ultimately wither away, a constant reminder of change and development inherent in everything therein.Though Hegelian dialectics maintained that thought precedes matter, it still had some associates who were radicalized and reached the phase of concluding that even the Prussian differentiate and religion will pass. The most revolutionary of them, however, deviated from Hegels consciousness precedes matter and inclined towards materialism. These revolutionaries, among them the 22 year-old Friedrich Engels, asserted that it is the other way round based o n Ludwig Feuerbachs rejection of Hegelian idealism and turned the tables for materialism.He would later publish a pamphlet hailing Feuerbachs The summation of Christianity in 1841. The pamphlet echoed Feuerbachs materialist basis of societal thought and finally debunked theological monopoly of reflection with a pulverizing blow, but later Feuerbachs materialism would be wedded with Hegelian dialectics . There he was an flake(a) radical, wrote articles for the democratic movement while attending lectures at Berlin University with his military service all at the self uniform(prenominal) time.Before he would be sent to England, Engels, travelled to cologne water to meet Moses Hess, the first Hegelian who called himself a communist and the man behind Rheinische Zeitung a radical daily newspaper. It was possibly in this acquaintance that Engels was influenced with Utopian socialism and his travel to England would be peremptory in starting a proletarian revolution in the most advan ced industrial nation .His experience in Manchester, England in his fathers pulverisation from 1842 opened his eyes to the realities of the functional class which he stated in his Conditions of the Working var. in England in 1844, his first book bourn out of his observations in his fathers firm. In his incline travel desertion, Engels scram had certain exchanges with other doers organizations, radical, utopian collectives and Chartists and wrote for Robert Owens Utopian state-controlled paper, the New Moral grade .Only on his way to Barmen did he meet Karl Marx, his lifelong revolutionary collaborator. They first met in Cologne in 1842 and Karl Marx was an editor in the Rheinische Zeitung but took no time to explore their philosophical similarities. That friendship would function for about quaternity decades. Together, Marx and Engels paved the way for the synthesis of Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism and Scientific collectivism among many other works that were to become the foundations of the proletarian movement.Engels could never be considered as Marxs side kick as others would usually portray him, nor must he be treated as to a higher place Mars intellect on many philosophical questions. Often they would consult each other on certain points of argumentation and Engels recognized Marxs excellence and at the alike manner, Engels displayed his virtuoso in historical and literary fields. They were, in the authenticst sense, partners in their lifelong struggle for the liberation of the working class. What Engels had become could be ascribed to the people who had played certain split in his becoming.His grandfather introduced him to the world of history and literature, his father pounced on him that he would later hate everything that his father believed, Hegel on his dialectics (though Engels had broken away from the idealist sector), Feuerbach presented the materialist view for his and Marxs philosophical synthesis of the Dialect ical Materialism and the millions of the workers masses that have borne the weight of the whole capitalistic production system were, presumably, the greatest influences on Engels philosophy. Thus cementing that Engels was really a man that is a becoming.An accumulation of experiences, observations and contact with nature was the reason for having such philosophical standpoint . Engels philosophical background could be that of a German philosophy that could be traced from Leibniz, Kant, and Hegel. Though Engels or Marx did not have any genuine philosophical theories, it is precisely the justification on what was commented on the Critique on Feuerbach that theirs was a philosophy that aimed direct to the point of changing the existing order in the world not just explain it.On many occasions, Engels has directly found the connection of matter and thought, of historical events that are quite apart in ages but were systematically an inbuilt part of the totality of human history. Friedr ich Engels first book was the Conditions of the Working Class in England in 1844, written when he was in Manchester England. On its preface, Engels explicitly stated the conditions of the working class at that particular time based on his direct acquaintances with the proletariat or twenty-one months, uncoiled from his observations.These observations were directed for the German proletariat so intense their conditions that Engels wished to know the root causes of their misery . In his committedness to the British proletariat, Engels can be seen as a true revolutionary, never satisfied with documents, it was a closely contact, an integration among the masses of British workers that has propelled his understanding of the conditions of the working class. It was on the streets, in the alleys, in the working places that true understanding can be derived.The whole of Manchester turned into a laboratory of revolution . Manchester in 1844 is the center on of the Industrial Revolution wh ich he observed, made the conditions of the workers worse. Huge industrial cities such as Manchester and Liverpool had disease occurrences four times grater than in the countryside. Before mills were introduced in England, more than four thousand out of ten thousand children die of whooping cough, scarlet fever, measles, and smallpox and an addition of another three one C after.While pornographic mortality numbered to a thousand out of ten thousand and another two hundred added to the previous(prenominal) respectively. In one of his contributed article to the New Moral universe Engels concluded that this condition must shortly be ended with a revolution that would rearrange the social order existing at that time in three countries in Europe (England, France and Germany) as there is a fast spread of crucifixion among the working men in the continent.There were existing state-controlledic and communist movements in many parts of Europe, half a million communists in France alon e, with some differences in minor points in principle but again, Engels asserted that the proletarian class has the power to rise and become masters of their own, enjoy the fruits of their own labour only if these communists would be united that would later be named as proletarian internationalism costing most of Eastern Europe after the Second foundation War, a little more than a hundred years, with the USSRs campaign of socialist annexation .Engels described the state of the capitalist system in England, being the most advanced at that time. In the books 1892 preface, 52 years since it was first published, the spring noted that the rising industrial nations such as France, Germany and America and starting to break Britains industrial monopoly and finally reached what has England reached in 1844 and the effects were not different. Same economic laws apply and the fight of English workers quint decades ago is happening in the country.It is after all still a bourgeois vogue of p roduction, the same tendencies, characteristics and social classes and antagonism still exist. Such was what he had predicted in his first edition and, scientifically, it was indeed the same characteristic of the capitalist economy regardless of nations and cultures. The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 reflect the condition of the working class not only in certain time frame but through the times as long as capitalism exists in a more or less varied intensity.Further expounding on the roots of the proletariats miserable place in the relations of production, Lenin commented that Engels was not the first to say that the working class is suffering from the ills of the capitalist mode of appropriation and expropriation, but it was Engels who said that the working class is being pushed to the very edges so that the proletariat had been leftover with no choice but to fight back and destroy the bonds of slavery. A power, so much paltry this line had exuded that after s even decades Russian proletariat had risen to create the first proletarian state.In 1847, Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian anarchist was banned from Paris because of calling for the over of the Polish and Russian governments. Bakunin was one of the many revolutionaries that appearing in Europe. A revolutionary high tide is sweeping all over the continent and the great masses of workers are looking for the lead in the revolutionary struggle. Such was the condition when Engels wrote The Principles of Communism in 1847, a year before the commie Manifesto was published. There was, however an in the first place composition for the Communist League.In June of that year, the founding event of the Communist League, the Congress of the Just, the Principles of Communism was written to serve as a draft for a statement to be embraced by the proletarian revolutionary movement, the Communist Manifesto . The International Workingmens Association formed in 1864 was actively participated by Engels, and l ater joined Marx in the General Council in 1870, two after the IWA was organized. Historically, the IWA had a huge part in the arise in Paris in 1871 the Paris Commune.In this event Engels create verballys defeated Bakunins coalescency for Social Democracy. IWA was considered to be the first International, and after the Paris Commune was quelled, after the commune died, Engels guided the formations of many socialist parties in Europe, especially in Germany which has been the movement that the whole European communist movement looked upon as bearer of the great socialist revolution. It was here that the term manufacture, denoting production by hand was conceived by Engels, such was to differentiate production by hand from production using a machine.This scheme was decisive in future historical annotations for the transition from guilds to factories of the indigenous capitalist model. It is best too clarify that loss literature considers, based on historical materialism, that wo rld history has not grown uniformly, some have advanced to capitalism, other nations remain in the feudal phase, and certain communities were even at the set of primitive communalism. In the year 1884, Engels wrote The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.It was this document that really showed Engels distinction in history. He wrote this manuscript in just two months to continue what Marx would have wanted him to do a treatise on the evolution of the State. This book covers the history of many nations, the emergence of private property and classes, and the state and ultimately how this state would perish, mush like Hegelian concept on the dialectical process of societies. Engels works were immensely influenced by Hegelian thought, especially evident in his Origin of the Family which was a complete narration of the scientific evolution of the societies, brought about by the contradictions that were constantly the cause of development, of ending an old social order and beginning anew. aside from that, Engels life as a revolutionary and his works were also influenced by Moses Hesss utopian socialist ideas, which, together with Karl Marx, they arrived into concluding that the future of capitalism is a scientific socialism and the establishment of the proletarian state.He also viewed the economy as the social foundation that it gives rise to the conception of the state, and that material foundation is the indwelling ingredient of the thought or way of thinking that would be dominant in the society. It was the very core of the materialist belief that matter precedes consciousness. Which takes us to think that a worker can not have a consciousness of a proletariat if the society has not reached the stage of capitalism, because in the first place, a condition does not exist that would permit a capitalist relation of production (wage labour).Through his life, Engels never believed in marriage pointing out that the natural order of reproduction is not bound by the exclusivity of a char to a single man. That only came into being when the concept of private property had materialized, so as women. Women held a high place in the primitive societies since they were the only means that tribes and communities would survive was only through go along human reproduction . Engels works were referred to by the revolutionary movement especially on the philosophical discourses on dialectics, historical materialism and some of his economic formulations.These influenced attracters of different socialist parties in Europe and around the globe. In autumn of 1985, the leader of the Russian proletarian socialist revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin wrote about Engels saying that he was a great teacher of the worlds working class, and his life must be known to every workingman. Lenin further states that Engels did not let his bourgeois status to stop him from serving the cause of the revolution, study of philosophy and science and politics.The ar ticle published in Rabotnik, clarified certain principles in Engels philosophy, and asserted that although Engels followed Hegelian dialectics, he was nevertheless not an idealist but one who firmly believes in materialism. Engels, said Lenin, used scientific methods in answering the economic questions of the time. It also gave an insight into Engels political history that being said, Engels was a democrat before he became a socialist.Thus Engels taught that the liberation of the working class is in the hands of the working class. Lenin after 22 years would lead the Russian working class to a socialist victory, fulfilling Engels wad of a socialist state won by the proletarian themselves. Later in 1920, three years after the Russian socialist revolution had been won, a document was published showing that Lenin would again comment on Engels through The Marx-Engels Correspondence which he wrote in 1913.The letters contained many of the theoretical foundations of socialism, masterfull y fighting through the ins and outs of the political struggle in Europe. It was an exposition of the revisionist renegades attempt to mislead the great masses of the proletariat to capitulate in the bourgeois political system. Through these letters, as Lenin pronounced, the socialist movement was kept in the right track. The tasks of the proletarian revolutionary were outlined to serve as a guide for many socialist parties that were waging underground warfare against their governments.The dialectical course of history was reaffirmed and from that principle, Russian revolution had drawn much of Engels instruction in the theoretical as well as in the practical recourse of the revolution. Mao Zedong, leader of the Chinese revolution from the 1920s until after the Second World War had been a staunch Engels follower through his works with Marx. Chairman Mao had quoted the communist manifesto, stressing on the point that without the theories that Marx and Engels developed, the revolution will have no guide.Revolutionary theory as Mao had said would give the people a military commission in waging a war for national liberation, to assure that there would be no resurgence of bourgeois state in liberated nations and ensure that new democratic revolutions will continue to the socialist stage . Again Mao on his article on Women, Engels was often quoted because of his contributions in the study of the status of women in the society, through his book the Origin of the Family, Private Property and State. The study of the women was a big fuck in the Chinese revolution.China was then waging a war against traditions that existed for thousands of years that was the feudal relationships between husbands and wives, sr. and the young in Chinese culture. Engels views on the question of the equality of the sexes in the primitive communal stage of societies shed light on the history of the struggle of women. Women suffer exploitation twice. A female worker is exploited because she is a worker and she is a woman. She does not only suffer from capitalist exploitation but also from male domination.However, the struggle for womens liberation is not a struggle against the opposite sex, but a struggle based on the economic class . Friedrich Engels was said to be the builder of socialist thought, the International Review issue no. 83 on the 4th quarter of 1995 stated that Engels had been long in his revolutionary career, truly of German tradition. Owing much to his perception of the workers movements tendencies and strengths that in the article his first book published was the book used by many revolutionaries through the years of struggle all over the world, from Russia to China.Thus Engels was a man defined by his becoming. Through his life, from the time he was born till the day he died, Europe was in the middle of an economic advancement, it was also a period of political changes. In the middle of those political and economic current, Friedrich Engels stood to face the challenges of his time. The blowing winds of free thought have set his mind to open to new ideas, seemingly the emergence of radical movements were just on the right time. When he became a part of the Young Hegelians, his philosophical inclinations were further developed.If we would look at this through an idealist perspective, it would be possible that Engels life had the right coincidences Marx was born on the same era the proletarian movement was on its fiery start. However, dialectically, the course of history would be just the same, it could have not been Engels, it could have not been Marx but still the truth of the development of societies will be there because it is science. History is a making of humanity not just one man, thus independent of anyones identity yet it identifies with everyone. It is the reality.Through Engels writing Marx was able to find himself a competent partner in his revolutionary theorization. Together they had formulated the socialist philos ophy that soon changed the course of the modern society. Engels contributed much to humanitys understanding of history, complete and organic interpretation of the events, explained the mysteries that bind each and every event from the beginning of human civilization. History was view on another angle, from the toiling masses, thus, breaking the monopoly of the establishments monopoly of truth.Hitherto, societies were seen as dynamic, changing every second, quantitatively and qualitatively change that was internally caused by those who are within the system, not by something that is detached, alienated, or abstract. Material basis was always at the fore of historical explanations. Engels historical insights gave the ruled power over the ruler, the oppressed over the oppressor. In time, the order of things will be changed, asserts Engels, which change will never end.History had become an integral part of the future, not confined to the records of the olden times it has passed yet con tinues to take part in shape the future of societies. Without Engels history would still continue and take its path as we have it today. Without Engels to help Marx, the society will still change. Therefore, Engels did have a contribution to humanitys history. Through his writings, Lenin foresaw the First World War as an imperialist war took advantage of it and made the revolution at home victorious.With the victory of the Russian proletariat, the course of struggles around the world suddenly changed course and had a farther perspective. Not only did these liberation movements aimed to free their nations from foreign domination but had decided to free them from the slavery brought about by the conception of private property. Movements did not only strive to destroy the existing political order perpetuated by tyrants, they had sought to destroy the economic foundation of tyranny. In the country from where he came from, Engels, too, caused much change.He became one of the contributor s to the German philosophy, became an inspiration to German revolutionaries and paved the way for the advancement of the German proletariat. As Germany was inseparable from the conditions that what existing in Europe at that time, it too had been reached by the socialist movement that after the Second World War, Germany was divided into two. East Germany had a socialist economy and the, capitalist. Engels had his great deal of share in the development of Marxism and socialism. He was the brain behind the Communist manifesto and Historical Materialism.His studies in the field of history pundit Marxists and revolutionaries in the course of the inevitable changes in the society.Bibliography(Section 1) Kenwood A. G. and A. L. Lougheed. The Growth of the International Economy 1820-2000 An Introductory Text. London Routledge, 1999. Carver, Terrell. Engels. Oxford, England Oxford University Press, 2003. Engels, Friedrich. Bedouin. Young Engels, Marx & Engels Internet Archive. Available fr om www. marxist. org. Engels, Friedrich. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. New York Pathfinder Press, 2000.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Renaissance Women, Hallmarks, Art
The Hallmarks of the metempsychosis a. Individualism b. Secularism c. Antiquity d. Skepticism 2. Renaissance Art Renaissance Women Men married younger women Resulted in many widows Women could inherit property In charge of nurturing children O Some say thats why the arts.. Upper class women enjoyed high degree of freedom Still evaluate to obey husbands- still unequal Isabella detest (First Lady of the Renaissance) Window Leader of Mantra Patron of the arts Founds schooling of girls O Liberal arts O Learn poetry and literatureO Dancing O Music O To entertain Catherine De Medici Italian married into Three sons became king of France Controls the law Architecture O Wing to the fivesome Laura Cerate University of Pravda O Moral education Wrote letters ab prohibited life Christine De Paisa The City of Ladies O Should carve out own place in society O If they dont give place in society, should leave and pull in our own The Hallmarks of the Renaissance Antiquity a renewe d interest in ancient Greek and roman type civilizations. Italians copied the ancient Roman lifestyle The study of the Greek and Roman classics led to humanism Humanism the act to understand human nature through a study of pagan antiquity and Christian thought. humanists believed that in that respect were no limits to what human beings could accomplish- HUMANS CAN DO ANYTHING Individualism Medieval people usually maxim themselves as members of a group. (Asia- group West- themselves) Renaissance people believed in individual will and genius. Secularism One becomes bear on with materialism rather than religion. People became more concerned about money and the accumulation of wealth.Interested in diversion and the enjoyment of life on Earth Renaissance Art Anatomy humanism Humanism was equal by a renewed interest in man Expressed in art through a renewed interest in anatomy Dad Vinci dissected corpses illegally Michelangelo sculpture of David demonstrates the fine atte ntion paid to anatomy O Classical Greek style Perspective vanishing point disappear lines Horizontal lines Antiquity Greek and Roman Allegory of Spring The School of Athens O Plato and Aristotle O World up and down Reading Discussions Love of Nature
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
International Human pick Management - Essay ExampleThe workforces of firms are seen as the main resources that enable competitive advantage. The practices of Human imaging Management (HRM) have led to dramatic developments in developed countries such as the United region and the United States of America, as well as many developing economies such as India (Budhwar and Khatri, 2001). The Indian parsimony is characterized by huge growth in Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) made by multinational corporations go in different sectors of the economy. This economic status requires companies that tend to invest in the Indian economy to have special(a) and modernized people management practices. Human Resource Management (HRM) systems and practices may vary from one field to another, as cultural and national factors influence the ways that human resources are managed across the globe. In this writing I will illustrate the distinguishing features of various HRM systems that Indian people practice in their organizations in term of recruitment and retention, training and development, and performance and reward management. Challenges facing Indian HR practices will also be examined. 2. Culture in India Culture in India is predominantly affected by the following factors 2.1 Power withdrawnness Many Indians believe that power and wealth are unequally distributed within the country and that this situation is sternly in need of change. Strong organizational hierarchy leads to the occurrence of both respected and disregarded positions among employees. The caste system, which is largely reliable in India, cannot be changed, although barriers between castes are shrinking and untouchability was declared illegal in 1949. Caste is thought to be determined by behavior in former lives and is therefore accepted as fate. This affects the entire life of Indians, including their social status and profession (Khan-Panni and Swallow, 2009 in Hollinshead 2009). 2.2 Uncertainty avoi dance In India there is a relatively low level of uncertainty compared to other countries. Structures and traditions play key roles in reducing uncertainty, as Indians respect traditions, caste and heritage elements that determine their role in society (Khan- Panni and Swallow, ibid in Hollinshead 2
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
revenue enhancementation - Essay Example28). Therefore, from this claim the population who own many assets or earn some good salaries pay more to the governing manger taxation. Taxation is, therefore, necessary in order to meet the cost of expenses and in the running of day-to-day government affairs. It is the sole responsibility of the government to imbibe taxes and ensure that it is carefully spent for the benefit of the citizens (Mirrlees & Adam, 2011 p. 39). Taxation is the chief(prenominal) means through which governments raise the required money to pay for commodities and services that they provide for the people. In fact, just about governments depend on taxes to pay for the major portion of their spending since it is their major source of revenue. It is important to telephone line that, governments are always under pressure from citizens demanding quality education, health care, security and infrastructure (Lymer & Hasseldine, 2002 p. 17). Taxes at the local anaesthe tic level are necessary for construction of classrooms, public libraries, security service stations, sport facilities, as easily as for the payment of municipal employees and county directors government revenues (obtained from taxes) are essential. The government to run the cipher without borrowing grants from other countries uses taxes (Ahmad, 1999 p. 82). However, taxation is not the only way governments use to stash money for their spending. Governments wadnas headspring levy a variety of users to pay for bridges, parks, and sports stadiums among other services to get revenue from users rather than the taxpayers (Barro & Boskin, 1978 p. 125). In addition, Governments also borrow funds to support their tax revenues whenever they run short of target in budget (Claus, 2010). The standard of living of the modern society demands taxation by only means, this is because the government must collect taxes in order to meet the needs, wants and demands of its citizenry. No government can exist without taxation, though taxation can never exist without the government, as well. One could, therefore, argue that taxation is a necessity for the governments to run all the activities aimed at improving the living standards of the citizens all over the world (Keen & Smith, 2000 p 40). The value added tax is a form of consumption tax. This is the tax imposed on to the buyer when purchasing goods from any dealer whereas on the prospect of the seller, it is the tax imposed on the product, service or the material from an accounting point of berth from the producer (James, 2009 p 13). The final consumer is taxed in this way and hence, the total tax levied at each face is what makes continuous chain of supply thus, collection of VAT is borne by the business but not the state. Tax merits The collection of VAT in the UK has a number of merits for instance it en able-bodieds the government to create a stronger bonus to collect revenues even through the sales tax are low. This is because the final consumer of the product cannot easily prorogue payment unlike trough the previous method and does not give the seller the legality to collect it. The UK government has been able to balance the amount of taxes collected per year through VAT since the seller is the motivator of the buyer but has no direct economic incentive to collect it (Bird, 1999 p 25). It has also been able to balance the application of equal taxes to each member of the production chain without much care on the position in it and
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