
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers

Lord of fliesEssayIn the &8220Lord of Flies William Golding does check us a story about a group of slope boys stranded on a Pacific Island, in the literal aim barely in a more allegorical level he tells a story about corruption of innocence, brutality/savagery and development/prejudice through the characters of Ralph, Jack, Piggy and Simon. Interesting stylistic features such as symbolism and omnipotent narrator make this story more than yet a simple story.Ralph flowerpot be waitn as a intermediate head boy, tall, well built and the major character of the novel. In a deeper sense Ralph represents Law, order and authority hardly not in a tyrannic way, he also represents democracy and justice. It is also through his eyeball we see loss of innocence.&8220&8230Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man&8217s boldness&8230In the above quote Ralph cries after piggy is killed.Jack can be seen as a cruel, ugly, skinny, and the leader of choir at first-year then th e leader of hunters. In a deeper sense Jack represents dictatorship and a primitive hunter. His leadership depends on in the ability to menace and frighten those under him. His victory over piggy represents the triumph of effect over intellect, his knife represents death and destruction. It is through jack we see heinousness and savagery. Piggy is a typical obese young boy with brains, but in more he can be seen as a boy with civilised and scientific mind. His scientific mind can be seen when he talks about the beast&8220 I know at that place isn&8217t not beast- not with claws and all that&8230It is through Piggy we see dupeisation/prejudice.&8220Shut up fatty(Jack)&8220 You let me speak I got the conch&8230In the above quote we see piggy being the victim because of his low class.Simon is a sensitive, epileptic and religious boy who is wiling to work and is withstand in the face of physical danger. He is right about &8220beast but is wrong in underestimating the power of this evil. He discovers in the conversation with passkey of flies the even he contains the evil within and it cannot be done for(p) physically. Simon the Saint was the only hope for the new society but alas he is mistaken for the beast and killed by the savages including Piggy and Ralph.&8216What I intend is... Maybe it&8217s only us.&8217In this quote Simon shows us his leafy vegetable sense and reasoning.

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